Thursday, June 7, 2012

Finally another drawing

Ive been tinkering with this one and then nearly started over. If I can draw anyone, it better be her. This is from the Album launch where I met her. Its also my photo (always makes it nicer)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


So what's happened in the last few weeks since I last posted? ...I wish I could say a lot. It was one of those periods where I had a bout of bad luck. I somehow came down with chickenpox ...thats right chickenpox! The funny (weird) part is this was the second time I caught it. I had a bad case when i was a child, so its very rare that I would get them again, and really bad timing that I would catch them right after arriving in another continent, all by myself. Today is the first day in well over 2 weeks where I not only feel better about my appearance, but feel better physically too. I am about to hit the pavement and try and find work tomorrow. I tried drawing yesterday but it didnt really pan out, so Im going to try again after this and either see if I can fix yesterday's, or start a new drawing all together.

More to come, now that I'm on the mend and in better spirits.